Duke University Health System (DUHS) requires the following documentation for all students coming to Duke for Clinical Rotations (for visitors to Duke, please see Visiting Observer Agreement). Please complete the documentation below and follow the instructions provided. Some requirements may need to be completed after arrival at Duke.
Student Information and Forms
- Student Checklist - Note completion dates for each requirement on the CHECKLIST. All information noted on the CHECKLIST must be available, upon request. DUHS Staff may note “on file at DUHS” where applicable, including background check/drug screen. Annual updates for orientation, confidentiality, influenza vaccine, TB test & TB attestation are required.
- Background Check & Drug Screen
- Confidentiality Agreement: review, sign, note date on Checklist & send scan or photo by email to the appropriate contact. See below for contacts.
- Immunizations: MMR, polio, varicella, pertussis, TB, influenza - see attached DUHS Immunization Requirements. Deadline for flu shots: October 1st; students applying for flu vaccine waivers must submit official DUHS form for review.
- TB Attestation Form: review, sign, note date on Checklist & send by email to appropriate contact below.
- Core Orientation: Follow the hyperlink and then click on the "Core Orientation Presentation" on the left of the screen. Click here for further instructions.
- DUHS Orientation EOC brochure
- DUHS Orientation Supplement
- AHA CPR/BLS: current certification required for students having patient contact
- Safety Training - Once you have arrived on site and obtained your NET ID and Password, proceed to (www.safety.duke.edu). On the left side of the screen, click on "On-line Training", log in with your Net ID and Password. The following modules must be completed: Fire/Life safety. Afterward, you must sign the Student Checklist that the training has been completed.
- Instructions for UNC students: Please review the OESO module. Note the date this is completed on your checklist.
Please complete every field, including course description (objectives for the clinical experience).The Duke contact is the DUHS preceptor. A rotation schedule may be attached.
- Certificate of Professional Liability Insurance: to be provided by the school program -electronically- annually
All students should wear their school photo identification badge, while involved in activities on the Duke University Health System campus. The badge should be worn prominently between shoulder and waist. The purpose of using school ID badges is to distinguish students from staff/care-givers.
Parking information, for Duke University Hospital, is available – including shuttle routes/schedules- via parking.duke.edu or by visiting the parking office in Duke South Clinic, on Trent Drive. Parking at Duke Regional & Duke Raleigh Hospitals is free.
Please note that all DUHS sites are tobacco-free.
Contact Information for students:
- UNC students - Joy Tucker
- Campbell students - Dustin Wilson
- All other students - Evan Frasure
Visitor Information and Forms
- Visiting Observer Agreement - Visiting observers must print and sign this form.