Overview of services

The Department of Pharmacy Investigational Drug Services supports human clinical research involving study drugs for Duke Investigators and supports safety and care for subjects in both the inpatient and outpatient care areas.  The Investigational Drug Services integrates its activities with the clinical, safety, informatics, administrative, and drug distribution systems of the Department to optimize study drug therapy for patients.

These services include:

  • Integrity of blinding
  • Regulatory compliance
  • Prevention of errors involving study drugs
  • Dispensing of investigational products in a timely manner
  • Contribution to study design and data integrity
  • Randomization and study drug accountability
  • Sterile preparation and distribution of both hazardous and non-hazardous study medications in a USP 797-compliant environment
  • Drug and supply procurement as needed
  • Preparation of Drug Data Sheets for study medications
  • In-services and education for inpatient studies